Saturday, September 11, 2010

BUY signal triggered

I've been developing a stock market trading system off and on for more than ten years, and after completing the review and back testing of data, I now have created a reliable indicator. This system is comprised of several leading economic indicators, the investor sentiment readings and stock market price behavior.

This system has also just triggered a BUY signal. Keep in mind that this is not short term day trading signal but a medium/longer term (lasting several months to years) trend following system. The previous BUY signal was triggered in July 2009 and a Sell signal was given back in May 2010. If you have any interest in buying into the stock market at this time, my recommendations would be to focus on the emerging markets like Brazil, Chile, China, Australia, Korea and India. For long term investors that want to take advantage of the equity market you would want to allocate a significant portion, around 70% to emerging markets and a smaller amount to domestic U.S. stocks around 20% and 10% to inflation protected bonds.

S&P500 Index held support at 1010 and momentum is now turning positive.

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